Sony GVM-1300

Andy King
September 13, 2024, 1:38 pm




This monitor is incredibly picky about sync over the RGB inputs. For analog RGBS it requires 1vpp attenuated sync. It will not accept TTL-level sync for RGBS. It will only accept TTL-level sync for RGBHV. To make things even more difficult, it will also not accept sync over composite or sync over luma for the RGB input... at least not via the sync pin. If you feed your sync to the actual Line A/B inputs it appears to take that for sync on RGB. I found this out by accident by feeding TTL RGBS from my Extron box and connecting the S-video output simultanously with RGBS. It went from not syncing (due to the TTL-level sync of the Extron) to syncing perfectly fine with S-Video connected.