Sharp CZ-614D

Andy King
September 7, 2024, 9:50 pm


The best 14" monitor for your Sharp X68000. It has the best dot pitch and signal compatibility of all the CZ 14" monitors.

It had optional stereo speakers you could mount on the side and also came with a remote.


  • Owner's Manual (Japanese)
  • No service manual available. If you have access to any documentation related to this TV please send me a message via Discord on the CRT Repair Services page.


These monitors can be picky with sync for RGB - I had the best luck using an Extron with DDSP in my video chain. For example a 164xi, 192xi, 201xi, etc.

The 15-pin RGB port follows the common standard for Japan:

  1. Red
  2. Red Ground
  3. Green
  4. Green Ground
  5. Blue
  6. Blue Ground
  7. Not connected
  8. Not connected
  9. Not connected
  10. Audio L
  11. Audio R
  12. Audio Ground
  13. 5v (not required)
  14. H Sync
  15. V Sync


Sharp CZ-614D Sharp CZ-614D Sharp CZ-614D Sharp CZ-614D Sharp CZ-614D