HP Pavilion MX704

Matt Ross
January 18, 2022, 10:51 pm
August 30, 2024, 11:14 pm


Late model 17" PC monitor, manufactured by LG Electronics and sold by Hewlett Packard. Features a flat shadow mask tube and a stylish dark blue case with a silver bezel. As with most 17" monitors of that era, it has a 70 kHz horizontal scan rate and was designed for 1024x768 at 85 Hz.



Although not listed in the manual, this monitor will accept composite sync via the H Sync pin.


HP Pavilion MX704 HP Pavilion MX704 HP Pavilion MX704 HP Pavilion MX704 HP Pavilion MX704 HP Pavilion MX704 HP Pavilion MX704 HP Pavilion MX704 HP Pavilion MX704