Horizontal Lines Resolution vs. TV Lines

Eli Krause
August 16, 2024, 7:00 pm

Different manufacturers may represent a display's horizontal resolution using different measurements. In the diagram below, the first measurement is "horizontal resolution" measured across the entire picture width. Each cycle is a peak and a trough, or a clearly visible alternating black line and white line. Two times the number of cycles is the total number of lines per picture width.


The second measurement that may be used is "TV lines", which is the number of lines per picture height, that being the lines per picture width multiplied by three-fourths (dependent on the aspect ratio).


Both Sony and JVC specify "TV Lines" in the service manuals for their professional monitors, but JVC's consumer sets specifically do not use that term, and instead use "Lines Horizontal Resolution".


Since these measurements are not interchangeable, one must be attentive to which is being denoted by the manufacturers' wording. Not to mention, consumer applications being less serious are susceptible to exaggerated claims.